SFA Gardens will host the monthly Theresa and Les Reeves Lecture Series at 7 p.m. March 14 in the Brundrett Conservation Education Building at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center, located at 2900 Raguet Street.
Jordan Cunningham, Greenhouse and Nursery Manager at SFA Gardens, will present “Plant Sale Preview: Plants You Shouldn’t Live Without. “
Jordan received her Bachelor of Science in horticulture from Stephen F Austin State University in 2015. While getting her degree, she was employed as a student worker at SFA Gardens, and she now supervises the student workers she once was. As a student, Jordan did internships with Moore Farms Botanical Garden in Lake City, South Carolina, and with Disney Horticulture, Orlando, Florida. After earning her degree, Cunningham worked as a garden supervisor at the Dallas Arboretum before returning to Nacogdoches.
She started her SFA Gardens career in 2017 as the Greenhouse Technician, training under research Associate, Dawn Stover. In 2022 she became the gardens Greenhouse and Nursery Manager.
Her main responsibilities include supervising staff, volunteers and student assistants to maintain the greenhouse and nursery areas. She oversees the planning and production of the plants that go through the garden's facilities, those used in research, and the thousands that are sold at the popular bi-annual plant sales.
The Theresa and Les Reeves Lecture Series is held the second Thursday of each month and includes a rare plant raffle after the program. The lecture is free and open to the public, but donations to the lecture series fund are always appreciated.
Parking is available at the PNPC, 2900 Raguet St., or Raguet Elementary School, 2708 Raguet St.
For more information, email sfagardens@sfasu.edu.